The Face Behind Walking Food Tours UK

Hi! My name is Gareth Boyd.

I’m Welsh, I’m married with one daughter, I love running, I have a degree in Retail Marketing, My favourite colour is red, I support Spurs, I live in Cheshire…and I LOVE Food.

My first experience with food tours was as a customer, and on a family holiday to New York almost a decade ago. What a better way to try a load of food, in an unfamiliar city with a budget and a short amount of time.

It’s funny to look back and remember so much detail about an experience that was both so long ago and so short, but I can recall the name of the guide, the weather that day and several of the venues we visited and the food I tried.

Having enjoyed this one so much, my family and I discovered more food tours on other holidays in Europe, agreeing that they provided the perfect amount of history and were a great introduction to a new destination.

After a couple more brilliant experiences, I had the realisation that some of the cities/towns on my doorstep, probably had some fantastic food and drink with owners from all across the world. I began to question whether I could bring a Food Tour to my local area, wondering if there would be any kind of market for something like this.

This was when the Chester Walking Food Tours was born in 2018. I was delighted to realise the opportunity that faced me after a hugely successful pilot period, prompting me to start looking at introducing Liverpool. In 2019, we established Liverpool Walking Food Tours.

Whilst the difficulties of Covid-19 put small businesses like mine, as well as the multitude of venues that I work with on a daily basis through a challenging time, we made it through and are still operating within these two magnificent cities with a team of 6 guides, each helping me to deliver the enthusiasm and charisma that I remember experiencing myself as a customer over the years.

I am so excited to share that we will now be inviting the beautiful town of Shrewsbury to the Walking Food Tour UK family, with Wrexham and Birmingham in the pipeline for the future.

I invite you to join us and leave with a full stomach and as memorable experience as I hoped to create.

Want to learn more about what a food tour actually is? Click here.

Cheese and Wine Chester Tour

The Cheese And Wine Tour Experience

A Celebration for Cheese and Wine Lovers Calling all cheese and wine enthusiasts! Walking Food Tours UK is thrilled to present the Cheese and Wine Tour Experience in Chester, a

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